Gardening with
microbes &
beneficial fungi
Learn how to apply natural microbes and beneficial fungi and bacteria back into your soil for gardening and growing that’s closer to nature.

Learn how to apply natural microbes and beneficial fungi and bacteria back into your soil for gardening and growing that’s closer to nature.
Acacia | Elm | Peach |
Alder (Endo/Ecto) | Eucalyptus Euonymus Fern | Peanut |
Apple | Fescue | Pear |
Agapanthus | Fig | Peas |
Box Elder | Flax | Peppers, all |
Alfalfa | Flowers, most all | Persimmon |
Almond | Forsythia | Pistachio |
Apricot | Fuchsia | Pittosporum |
Artichoke | Gardenia | Plum |
Ash | Garlic | Podocarpus |
Asparagus | Geranium | Poinsettia |
Aspen (Endo/Ecto) | Grapes, all | Poplar |
Bamboo | Grasses, perennials | Potato |
Beans, all | Green Ash | Pumpkin |
Barley Basil | Guayule | Raspberry |
Avocado | Gum | Redwood |
Banana | Hackberry | Rice Rose |
Beech | Hawthorn | Rubber |
Black Locust | Hemp | Ryegrass |
Boxwood | Herbs, all | Sagebrush |
Black | Hibiscus | Saltbrush |
Blackberry | Holly | Sequoia |
Bayberry | Hostas | Shallot |
Begonia | Impatiens | Snapdragon |
Blue Gramma | Jatropha | Sorghum |
Buckeye | Jojoba | Sourwood |
Bulbs, all | Juniper | Soybean |
Cacao | Kiwi | Squash |
Cactus | Leek | Star Fruit |
Camellia | Lettuce | Strawberry |
Carrisa | Ligustrum | Succulents |
Carrot | Lily | Sudan Grass |
Cassava | Locust | Sugar Cane |
Ceanothus | Magnolia | Sumac |
Cedar | Mahogany | Sunflower |
Celery | Mahonia | Sweet Gum |
Cherry | Mango | Sweet Potato |
Cherry | Maples, all | Sycamore |
Chrysanthemum | Marigolds | Taxus |
Citrus, all | Mesquite | Tea |
Clover | Millet | Tobacco |
Coconut | Mimosa | Tomato |
Coffee | Morning Glory | Violets |
Corn | Mulberry | Walnut |
Cotton | Myrtle | Wheat |
Cottonwood(Endo/Ecto) | Nasturtium | Willow (Endo/Ecto) |
Cowpea | Okra | Yam |
Crab Tree | Olive | Yucca |
Creosote | Onion | |
Cryptomeria | Pacific Yew | |
Cucumber | Palms, all | |
Currant | Pampas Grass | |
Cypress | Papaya | |
Dogwood | Passion Fruit | |
Eggplant | Paw Paw |
Alder (Endo + Ecto) | Eucalyptus | Oak |
Arborvitae Arctostaphylos | Filbert | Pecan |
Aspen (Endo + Ecto) | Fir | Pine |
Basswood | Hazelnut | Poplar |
Beech | Hemlock | Spruce |
Birch | Hickory | Willow (Endo + Ecto) |
Chestnut | Larch | |
Chinquapin | Linden | |
Cottonwood (Endo + Ecto) | Madrone | |
Dogwood | Manzanita |