Author Archives: Big Foot

Can you use a beneficial fungi like mycorrhizae with fungicides?

Fungicides literally means “a chemical that destroys fungus” – so can you use these alongside the beneficial fungi and microbes found in Big Foot products? The short answer: yes, but it depends on the fungicide and the use. Please see the table below for our current fungicide testing results. General Observations: Mycorrhizal fungi are soil-borne fungi […]

Teeming with Microbes Podcast – The Art and Science of Composting

Big Foot is a proud sponsor of the Teeming with Microbes Podcast! About Teeming with Microbes (from Alaska Daily News): Welcome to a weekly podcast with longtime Anchorage Daily News garden writer and author Jeff Lowenfels, and co-hosted by Jonathan White. Think of it as a companion to Jeff’s weekly columns and his popular series […]

Fry, Thrive or Die: A Fun Pocket Guide to Mushrooms

Fry, Thrive, or Die features common, delicious, medicinal, and poisonous mushrooms of the Western United States. The guide prepares Big Foot Mycorrhizae readers to hunt and serve wild mushrooms, as well as delight the reader with stories, history, possibilities, recipes, and more. A pocket-sized field guide to the most prominent and distinctive wild mushrooms in […]

Plants needs nitrogen to survive! Here’s how to introduce it to your plants and soil naturally.

Plants need nitrogen to survive. This is no mystery. This is fundamental science. The mystery has always been, how do we get plants the nitrogen they need to survive and thrive? The answer for centuries has been nitrogen fertilizers, and we know the issues these can create to our ecosystem. The good news is that […]

Abstract: Effects of mycorrhizae on sorghum growth, photosynthesis, and stomatal conductance under drought conditions

Ibrahim MA, Campbell WF, Rupp LA, Allen EB. 1990. Abstract In this study, we determined whether inoculating sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cv. NK-3657 ) seedlings with a vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus ( Schenck and Smith) would enhance plant yield under drought conditions. Seven-day-old seedlings were inoculated with the fungus and irrigated to […]

Abstract: Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Biomass Production and Nitrogen Fixation of Berseem Clover Plants Subjected to Water Stress

JSergio Saia, Gaetano Amato, Alfonso Salvatore Frenda, Dario Giambalvo, Paolo Ruisi Published: March 03, 2014 Abstract Several studies, performed mainly in pots, have shown that arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can mitigate the negative effects of water stress on plant growth. No information is available about the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on berseem clover growth and […]

Abstract: Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Biomass Production and Nitrogen Fixation of Berseem Clover Plants Subjected to Water Stress

JSergio Saia, Gaetano Amato, Alfonso Salvatore Frenda, Dario Giambalvo, Paolo Ruisi Published: March 03, 2014 Abstract Several studies, performed mainly in pots, have shown that arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can mitigate the negative effects of water stress on plant growth. No information is available about the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on berseem clover growth and […]

Abstract: Mycorrhizal Fungi Improve drought resistance in Creeping Bentgrass

Journal of Turf grass Science Vol. 73 (1997) By J.N. GENNA, RE KOSKE, E.M. ROBERTS, N. JACKSON AND K.M. DE ANTONIS. Department of biological Science, Department of Plant Sciences and Department of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island U.S.A. 02881. SUMMARY Field and laboratory studies with creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris ‘Penncross’) growth in […]