Big Foot is a new take on mycorrhizae. Informed by decades of research and experimenting to create the most effective product on the market today, the Big Foot team has made some of the biggest strides in the history of mycorrhizae root inoculants. If you’re looking for a product driven by science and experience, you’ve come to the right place.

Big Foot contains no ectomycorrhizae or trichoderma
The vast majority of garden crops and houseplants form with endomycorrhizae. So unless you have one of the few non-endo species, any ectomycorrhizae present in your root inoculant is just taking up space. Check out this list of plants and which type of mycorrhizae they form with. As you can see, most house and garden plants are endo specific, while the ecto-forming species are predominantly trees and other more woody species. Big Foot contains only endomycorrhizae, which is effective on 90% of the plants.
Big Foot also contains no trichoderma, a competing fungi that is present in many competing products. Studies have shown that endomycorrhizae is more effective when trichoderma is absent.
Every ingredient works for your plants
Most products on the market don’t utilize all of their potential. We created Big Foot to be efficient. During the first stage of development, we started to experiment with the carriers of our product. We quickly discovered that we can utilize carrier as a powerful tool. This was the lightbulb moment for us. We replaced most of the traditional inert carriers found in other products with carriers that actually stimulate and promote the mycorrhizae. This has been a game-changer. By combining the world’s most powerful mycorrhizae and high-performing ingredients as the carrier, Big Foot has mycorrhizae colonization levels that are unrivaled. Here are just some of the ingredients that set Big Foot apart:
Increases water retention
Increases number of beneficial soil microbes
Improves soil fertility
Reduces leaching of nitrogen in ground water and emissions of nitrous oxide
Moderates soil acidity
Worm Castings
Acts as a slow release fertilizer
Contain more than 60 micronutrients
Humus in casting extracts toxins and harmful fungi and bacteria from the soil
Produces humic acid, which aids plant nutrient absorption
Provides food for garden plants
Makes moisture more readily available
Provides micronutrients and contains 70 trace minerals from A to Z
Improves nutrient depleted soil
Improves root system growth and crop yields
Produces larger fruits vegetables and better-tasting food products
Contains beneficial vitamins and mineral including potassium
Accelerates growth
Enhances disease resistance
Provides natural growth hormones: auxin, gibberlins, and cytokinis
Humic acid
Increases nutrient uptake, drought tolerance, and seed germination
Increases microbial activity in soil
Stimulates roots
Increases availability of nutrients in soil